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Through our work experience we developed a few formulas which gradually start shifting metabolism from wrong to right one. We developed a few formulas designated to solve the problem Digestive Enzymes which is mostly designed to improve carbohydrates digestion. According to our research that affected carbohydrates/sugar metabolism is the starting point to many illnesses, especially cancer, which is mostly based on Anaerobic Glycolysis.

Metabolism Enhancer contains essential enzymes, co-enzymes, anti-oxidants and the other compounds, such as bio-flavonoids, lactones, saponins which gradually start changing metabolic pathways.

Additionally, to instruct organs to function properly at cellular level we developed and completed clinical trials with different types of peptides. Each particular peptide we are using to treat cancer designated to instruct cancer cells to consume less and less nutrients in a form of sugar which may trigger so called “reverse” process and we believe that is the only way to cure cancer, instead of “fighting” with it. The other types of peptides act on limbic (emotional) system which is mostly affected being a part of Neurohumoral response to stress or psychological negative impacts. The peptides we are using so far are listed below:

EP-Y4 contains chain of amino acids linked together It is one of a new generation of compounds referred to as "telomerase* activators" and is most exciting new products to reach the life extension. Besides rejuvenating and anti-aging properties EP-Y4 regulates neuroendocrine and immune system as well, but the main benefit of using it relates to its unique features to heal pineal gland or epiphysis cerebri which is small gland in vertebrate brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin a serotonin derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. René Descartes believed the pineal gland to be the "principal seat of the soul" or “third eye” (a mystical concept). However, the pineal gland continues to have an exalted status in the realm of occultism and considered as the organ responsible for spiritual growth, open, limitless mind and full awareness. Pineal gland, besides melatonin produces DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which is released in significant amounts at birth, death, out of body experience, extreme life threatening situation such as coma resulting in instant cure even from terminal diseases such as cancer, AIDS, etc. Among the other factors which cause pineal gland disorder is heavy metal Mercury poisoning. That is why we included in our Super Chelator formula agents which effectively bind to heavy metals and eliminate them from biological system. *)Telomerase a ribonucleoprotein which maintains telomere. Telomeres protect the end of the chromosome from DNA damage or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes.

SP-R7 is peptide with nootropic effects on brain system. It helps to regulate mood as well as influencing appetite and even the normal sleep-wake cycles. There is evidence to suggest that it may modulate the expression of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) which plays major role in neurons rejuvenation process and “rewiring” connectings of nervous system as well.

Vital energy enhancement

As it was mentioned before in “Brief introduction of PLP” pamphlet vital energy is the key point in treatment of any disease. That is the indicator of how your body can cope with the whole therapy and how successful will be outcome.

The first steps to improve vitality are different forms of detox, but significant changes begin from bone marrow, telomerase activators and “Breath of Vitality” nebulizer (mentioned above). For this stage we have two formulas and one unit to continue preparation before major PLP treatment.

Life Force is designed to activate and improve work of endocrine system. It is known in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) as the Jing force. It is the most refined “essence of Qi energy”. Literarily that is the drive or activator of Qi. Without it the vital energy will be resting in “dormant state”. All scientific research of Hans Selye, regarding "The General Adaptation Syndrome" is dedicated especially such essence of life. According to TCM believe The Jing force is stored in kidney and defines our basic constitution. This type of force is continually consumed during life. Frustrations, fears without release, overindulgence in sexual activity, bad habits, injuries, illnesses etc., rapidly deplete it and dramatically shorten life span.  Our custom formula contains essential bio-flavonoids enzymatically activated which endow formula with new properties.

Stem Cell Activator is for bone marrow activation to stimulate stem cell proliferation more efficiently. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells, depending on body’s needs. They produced by bone marrow playing key role in immune system function and also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs/systems, such as blood, skin, and intestinal tissue. The formula is also design to treat bone calcification or loss.

Longevity or literarily “Fountain of Youth” has targeted to activate telomerase which protects telomere from shortening. Besides telomerase activating compounds it also contains enzymatically activated lactones which stimulate rejuvenation process, slowing down aging process. Restoring telomere length appears to reset gene expression, cell morphology, and extend of life span. It has therefore been suggested that such procedures may permit therapeutic modification of the cellular mechanisms underlying age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, and Alzheimer’s dementia. Although telomerase expression is an important marker of malignancy, it is not itself the cause of cancer. Telomerase expression and telomere lengthening apparently do not alter normal cell cycle control, chromosome complement, or cell morphology.

Post Therapy Maintenance - Part #3

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